Sunday, August 2, 2009

Night Four

It's 8:30pm, Sunday night, and I've been at work for a few hours. I feel comfortable awake, delighted that I get to stay up until 1am. I interrupted myself before beginning a new task as I have to take a nap at 9pm and didn't want to rush my project. Now that I'm here, the idea of sleeping here while it's dark out and there's no one around is a little creepy, but I'll be behind 2 locked doors, so I'll probably be fine.

Again, I feel like I could stay up and keep going, but even with as little experience as I have with this, I know better. I can tell when I start getting burned out/hazy/headachy. All signs of exhaustion--mostly mentally. I only push myself when those feelings come on when I know there is a nap coming soon.

For today's 2pm nap, I felt like I kept getting woken up by sounds from outside, and just decided to focus and relax, even though I didn't think I could fall back asleep. That happened 3 times before I decided to give up, thinking my 20 minutes was up. I checked my clock, it was only 7 minutes into the nap period. It felt like much, much longer. I laughed and fell back asleep, woken up by my alarm an elongated 13 minutes later, relaxed and refreshed. It is almost unbelievable how refreshing 20 minutes feels.

We shot archery again this morning. I was on the computer after my walk, waiting for the sun to come up. I did not want to go outside where it looked cold, and felt like I could easily concentrate on the screen, but I went and had probably the best shoot I've ever had, no target but many bales. After the 9am nap, I went swimming and then out for a burger, just enjoying the day. I didn't leave for work until 6pm or so, and plan on getting a jump start on the week by staying here fairly late.

I bypassed a movie tonight to get this work done, but I'm hoping everyone is still up when I'm home because I'd really like to vacuum under the bed. I wonder if I can get by on minimal sleep like this for the rest of my life... I wonder if I'm being delusional. I feel like the beginnings of a superhero.

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